Yoga Nidra…guided meditation, deep relaxation…Wednesdays 5:30pm – April 1, 15 and 29, May 13 and 27, June 10
COVID – 19 Measures
When you return to class please bring your own yoga mat. If you can’t acquire a yoga mat between now and the start of class the studio mats have been disinfected and while they last will be available to purchase for $5.
Please bring your own eye pillow, block and any other equipment you might need. The studio will keep blankets and bolsters available. (cleaning protocol in place)
Please stay home if you are sick.
If you have been traveling please observe the 2 week quarantine recommended by the ministry of health.
If you have paid for the session and are unable to be in class due to illness the usual make-up class steps apply or your missed classes can be forwarded to the next session. We are working on on-line options as well.
If your class is canceled due to instructor illness the missed classes will be added to the end of the session – cancellations will be announced on the Home Page/Facebook/Instagram/email list