Yoga Therapy is the application of the ancient science of yoga to enhance health and wellness at all levels of the person. One of the maps we have to achieve this is the 5 Koshas. The word kosha means sheath or layer.
The annamayakosha refers to the physical body, it’s tissues and systems. The pranamayakosha includes the breath and all the components of the energy system (chakras, nadis, pranavayus). Our emotional self is the manomayakosha. Discernment and intuition are parts of the vijnyanamayakosha. Good health, balance, happiness and wholeness characterize the anandamayakosha.
In this workshop we will work with the map of the koshas, learn the yoga tools that support each layer and move toward greater health and well being. This is an in-person workshop.
Date: Sunday January 21, 2024
Time: 9 am – 1 pm
Fees: $90.40 cash, cheque or e-transfer
Location: Studio 505, 505 Sherbrooke St. Ptbo ON
To Register: send me a message at or send in your payment.